I'm sitting here just thinking about the Imus thing. Just what the hell was the idiot thinking when he pops off with that kind of comment? I don't like the guy anyway, but to each his own, right? This just goes way off the charts, even for a dumb ass, knot headed, small minded, holy er than thou, I have a small penis moron. Now Rev. Jessie Jackson is getting into the ring for his 200th 15 minutes of fame and starts going off on how "Blacks" are not in the media and in positions of power. Cut me some slack here, I mean can anyone tell me the name of the coach that won the Super Bowl this year, other than the fact that he was Black? Who gives a crap if the guy is black or not, can't we just say he was the best coach and great guy who knows how to win games? Maybe if he was Orange with blue dots I would have given a crap about how he looks, but no, he was just the best coach for that season. I'm fat and Bald, so I want special access to the car pool lane, ya like...