Just when I thought that I could put the winter hat away for the season.... I end up driving home in this crap! Snow you say...It's almost April for someones sake..... What does one have to do to get out of the snow? I may need to get a smaller hat and deal with it. An update on the " Candy Land Bakery "...well I took the small rodents to the bakery this weekend to prove that I don't make this stuff up as I go along. As I pull up to the bakery, the nice little yellow ginger bread decorated house, I hear from the back seat of the new steed, "O snap, I was sure he was making that one up". This proves my theory of stories, prove them when you can and baffle them when you can't.
Imperial Hamster Minister of Automotive Affairs, Vice Arch-Prefect for Brewing Affairs & Deputy Chief Inspector of Ales, Member of the Privy Council