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So where did you go today?

Deception Pass, Washington. Looks like a nice place to Bungee jump. As the tide moves out the water flow can reach 5-6 knots through this little water way.
Good day to lay around in the sun.
These flowers were everywhere. I'm talking everywhere! And most of the blooms had not opened as of yet.
On the Ferry from Keystone to Port Townsend. The open sea for me, OK at least a really big inland part of the sea.


WickedHamster said…
Ah! A happy woodchuck out once again enjoying his habitat in the beauteous wilds of romantic America!
Travel said…
Very pretty, many places I should see.

Bert said…
For some reason (I am verging on madness) I have just remembered a piece of music I used to play on the piano as a child. It was in a Canadian book (my parents used to live there) and the song went `How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'

A work of genius (as was my childhood piano playing).
WickedHamster said…
"A woodchuck would chuck all the wood a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck would." I think every American kid of at lest my generation knows that one. Your folks used to live in Canada??? Where?
Woodchuck said…
With a tiny saw in his little paw...A ton of wood he could.

Love Canada.
Anonymous said…
Mmmm looks incredibly relaxing. I love large bodies of water.
WickedHamster said…
O Canada!
Terre de nos aieux.
Ton front est cient
de fleurons gloirieux!

(I'm sorry! I just felt compelled to show off. Now watch, I probably misspelled something.)
Woodchuck said…
(I'm sorry! I just felt compelled to show off. Now watch, I probably misspelled something.)

Oh yes, like I could ever tell!

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