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Showing posts from April, 2006

Picture of Picture

Thanks to Meritt , it seems that everyone has this family tradition. Kelster has the other half. I'm going to take a picture of you taking a picture of me. Although, I was taking a picture of the fine trees in the background.

One more time with feeling...

Here I am with Squirrel at the big falls in Twin Falls, ID. This is proof that I did not throw in the Squirrel.

One more time

Think of how this could mat my fur....not good.

I could raft this....not.

This is about a 40'-45' drop. Please note that I did not throw in the Squirrel on the last picture..... Snake River in Idaho near Twin Falls.

This is just wrong

ON So Many levels Ground Woodchuck and Squirrel Kabobs???????


Just hanging out with friends...

When you travel you..

Always seem to have to stop and say "Hi" the all of the relatives....

This is why I like to travel..

Does life get any better ????? This is looking east in the Columbia River Gorge just past Hood River.

Monday Recap

Ok, so I left 40 minutes late at 5:40am. Picked up the Squirrel at 10:45am in Spokane. Had lunch in Spokane at 11:00am Had dinner in Bozeman at 6:00pm...please note one hour time change. Arrived at hotel in Billings at 9:00pm. Total miles 965 Stops at Starbucks 3 My new butt is numb.

On the road again....

Sing with me, you know the words.... Coffee is hot and the Squirrel and I are heading out on a 860 mile drive today. first stop...Hood River for coffee Second stop....Pasco for coffee Third stop...Couer D'Alene for lunch at a nice little Greek place. Fourth Stop...Missoula for coffee Fifth Stop....Bozeman for dinner..Montana Ale Works is the best place for dinner. When traveling through Montana this is a must place to eat. arrive in Billings, MT. This is not counting fuel stops and the "watering the tree" pit stops. I should be able to make the drive in 13 hours or less. 6500 lbs of steel and two furry woodland creatures at the helm.....

When buying a time share..

It's always good to get a second opinion on the place. Even if they are a little squirrelly.

I have new driving music

Queensryche Operation Mindcrime II is out. As you all know, furry little woodland creatures like to bang their heads......

I'm lost..

It seems that Washington has a real, life size replica of the famous Stonehenge. Yes I was there to see it for myself. I'm not kidding...This thing is big, made of stone, and set so that you can track the moon and such. A few pints of IPA and the next thing I know is that some lady in green robes is standing over me and talking about her new Druish Prince...I was so out of there.

Bring me my sword

Ok, so I'm waddling around the old Mission in northern Idaho when I felt the need to swing from the lighting.....I should be in the movies, " WHERE IS MY CLOSE UP"

People ask why.

Start of the trip...Here I am looking at the West end start of the Columbia River Gorge. Great River, trees, great places to eat, and sun, for a Woodchuck whats not to like? All of the pink are Cherry tress in bloom. The work is never done. The office is where the cell phone is. PS. No delay on take off and the AC blows cold and I always have a 1st class ticket.
Road Trip.....Start of a new day on the road. Fat furry woodland creature on the very advised....


Get your mind out of the gutter. I'm talking about the Goodwood Festival of Speed . Do people in Europe know just how lucky they are for being so close that they could actually go to this event? I mean we have great car events here in the States, but this is Goodwood. You can actually see the 1958 DB1 that Sir S. Moss and Carol Shelby drove to victory. And even better, you could meet the man himself, Sir S. Moss that is. Yes, I do love my British cars even with the problems that they have. Lucas, Prince of darkness, is very smart and did great things with electricity, however, when it came to cars most of the time things went dark. Lola, Cooper, lotus, Jaguar, Bentley, RR, AC, Allard, Healy, and so many more. I should have been born in a hole in England. If you live in England and do not attend the Goodwood Festival of Speed, I will hunt you down and take your........well something important I'm sure. I wonder if I could mail myself?

Penguin Dreams and other stuff

I Can Fly.... I know that I should be able to fly.... Contact....I can feel the wind in my face now... Thus end the jokes about flighless water fowl. I am the king of the skys...

Personal upkeep.

"An Ale a day will keep your fur shiny and soft" For dark fur I would use a Porter or Stout. If you happen to be of a light color fur I would stay with a Golden ale or for the "Punk" look you can add highlights with a Raspberry ale or live on the edge with a Blueberry ale. Going with a "Black and Tan" will give you that Goth look just like all of your little offspring. If you want that extra glow you should marinate, I mean soak yourself for at least 10 minutes a day. A good IPA or I2PA will add the fresh floral sent that most discriminating woodland creatures would die for.