Not what you were thinking....
After getting through the TSA security lines, I managed to pop out of my travel bag for a little look around. I just love to fly, the view is just wonderful most of the time. But, I must admit that 7 hours sitting on an airplane can be just a little to much at times.
So, my big questions for the week are this: why does everyone think that the new TSA rules about what you can and can not bring on to the airplane does not include them? Why does everyone think that the little luggage size thingy, "your bag must fit into here" is just a suggestion?
My thoughts on the subject, if you can not lift your own bag, check it. If you have to have 3 people try to push it into the overhead storage compartment, check it. If the peanut pusher(flight attendant) says that it should be checked, check it.
And most important of all, if I'm on the airplane, check it. You just don't want to piss me off.
Thank you and good night.
I would like to see a limit on carry on baggage. The things that people try to stuff in the overhead bins! My grandmother came from the "old country" with less luggage then what people try to carry on.
As for your questions about why people don't think rules apply to them...because we're Americans and typically have a sense of entitlement about us. I don't mean that to sound snarky, but it's true. Anywhere else in the world people have been used to this kind of scrutiny forever.