The whole theme today was a Woodchuck and his ale.
I found a nice little place in downtown Madison, WI. called the Great Dane Pub & Brewing Company. This was one of the best IPAs I've had east of the Rockies. Fun little place to go and the food was not to bad either.
Traveling the Globe...ok, just the North American continent in search of the perfect pint on IPA.
Hops, they are not just for breakfast anymore.
Hops never were part of breakfast for some of us - *shudder*
Happy Monday.
Oh to have a beer as tall as I am. (Well, if I actually liked beer that is).
OK, throw in a few black oiled sunflower seeds and a hazelnut or two for fiber.
With a Hop cannonball to the side...
Hope you had a loverly time in our fair cit-ay!!!
next trip you are getting to Appleton -
and we should have TP's my brother's front lawn while were there - next time we are in town we are SO going to TP and I bet TKW will help ;)