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Need I say more?

You can't cut down the tallest tree in the forest with a herring – it just can't be done (honest).

The most dangerous of animals is a clever sheep

Never trust strangers in suits of armour carrying chickens

European swallows don't migrate

Coconuts don’t migrate.

Albatross: 1. (n) A web-footed bird, of the genus Diomedea, of which there are several species. They are the largest of sea birds, capable of long-continued flight, and are often seen at great distances from the land. They are found chiefly in the southern hemisphere. 2. (n) A sea bird flavoured refreshment sold in cinemas by a person who may (or may not) be a woman. You do not get wafers with albatrosses.


Travel said…
It sounds like "St. Squirrel Red" poisining. Step away from the bottles before anyone gets hurt.

Me said…
Coconuts do migrate.

They do it backwards though. They hitch rides in various ways to colder climates. They're weird that way.

And sheep? Not so very clever. Coffeebeans are much more intelligent. They just hid it well.
Woodchuck said…
So if I drink more coffee, I will become smarter? Works for me.
Anonymous said…
What about a herring frozen in Liquid Nitrogen shot out of a 12 gauge shotgun? That's got to at least snap an alder sapling?
WickedHamster said…
I've read these over very carefully, and even I must admit, the man's right. I know. I studied theology.
Woodchuck said…
see Kel, I have been validated!
WickedHamster said…
Thank you! It's now 9:20 and time for the penguin on top of your television set to explode.
Woodchuck said…
That would make sense since the penguin has been doing the Salsa for about an hour now....
Muskyboy said…
Lots of rodents here.
Me said…
Y'all better take part in my Peeps contest!!! :)
Travel said…
"Need I day more?"



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