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On the topic of kids

And we are obviously buying less and conscious of all our choices - escaping the consumerism of elaborate do-it-yourself decor and prepared cuisine, the soccer mom mystique, and the bored, lazy, 'gimme' kids.

Sometimes a quote comes along that really fits the way you think and live. This is one of those quotes, and the best part is that it comes from my DW. When you spoil you kids with love and a learning environment, no problem. I do believe that some parents do really take care of their kids and teach them to be strong non-whining adults that work to support themselves and intern teach the next generation to do the same. Then there is the rest of the parents that are raising whining think that they deserve everything but don't want to work for it spoiled brats that will complain about the government full time, but are the first ones there with their hands out and still think the should get more.... assbites!

Then again some people complain about the way we raise our kids saying that we are way too strict and should lighten up on them. We just want them to have more opportunity's that we do/did and to be strong adults that can carry on a conversation with other people that also have brain that is functioning.

And if you don't like the way I'm teaching my children........


WickedHamster said…
Bravo! If I had kids, I'd want them to be yours.
Travel said…
Can I send you a couple of nephews that needed a parent with a little back-bone? Nice kids but incapable of thinking on their own, unaccustomed to being expected to work or organize anything on their own. I am sure that in a few months you could make a big difference in their lives. Of course one is 19 and the other one is 23, is it too late?

Kelsgarden said…
WC - do not accept any large packages with holes in the side!
WickedHamster said…
"do not accept any large packages with holes in the side!" Wait a minute... isn't that how you got WC in the first place?
WickedHamster said…
Besides, DG probably wouldn't bother with the holes. Oh yeah, he really just loves his nephews...
Doug Cloud said…
Wow ... you guys need to come stay at our hotel, lol. God bless you in raising those kids the way you are. The world is overrun with slouching, indifferent, metal-studded-morons who have no idea how to converse with another person without a keyboard.

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