Good Day.
Today is my birthday and I'm posting half tanked from my free 1/2 yard of brutal bitter from Rogue Ales. I also am sporting a new t-shirt from Rogus as well. Why do I have this moment to share with everyone? Because Rogue gives this to everyone on their Birthdays.
I am that magical number that is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
I spent a wonderful evening with my wife. Had Birthday cake. Life is good.
Bad News.
Brew Dog is no longer with us. This is a sad day for the Rogue family. I'm sure that Brew Dog is in heaven taunting us with his ales.
Rest in peace my friend.
Today is my birthday and I'm posting half tanked from my free 1/2 yard of brutal bitter from Rogue Ales. I also am sporting a new t-shirt from Rogus as well. Why do I have this moment to share with everyone? Because Rogue gives this to everyone on their Birthdays.
I am that magical number that is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
I spent a wonderful evening with my wife. Had Birthday cake. Life is good.
Bad News.
Brew Dog is no longer with us. This is a sad day for the Rogue family. I'm sure that Brew Dog is in heaven taunting us with his ales.
Rest in peace my friend.

But - you started it. :)
so? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!