Does leaving a voicemail count as talking to someone? I get a call today and someone is sure I know all about what they are talking about, why do you ask? Because the dickwad that started the whole thing had told them I knew about it, because dickwad said he talked to me about it. Turns dickwad had left me a voicemail and thought that was the same as talking. Well, he can kiss my furry little butt for all I care. Voicemail is not the same as talking to someone. In talking to someone they have the chance to talk back, that would make it a conversation at that point. Things could get done, things could be accomplished. But nooooo, dickwad leaves me a voice mail and hangs me out. Voice mail is great to say" Hi, I called." nothing else. You can not pass the buck using voicemail, you can not blame someone else using voicemail. Don't wimper, whine, cry, get mad, talk on and on and on, or leave a to do list. Just ay "Hi, I called" and go away. There is a reason the person you called did not answer the phone. They knew it was you and did not want to talk to your sorry ass. I've talked to you ten times today and have had enough, f'ing go away.
For the record, three phone calls, ten minutes and the problem was solved. I called the third person back and apologize that it took me so long to fix the issue and that I would try to be better in the future. I hope he got the sarcasms it that.
For the record, three phone calls, ten minutes and the problem was solved. I called the third person back and apologize that it took me so long to fix the issue and that I would try to be better in the future. I hope he got the sarcasms it that.
Herumph.......did I get a herumph from that guy.
but now I am going to think up a long f*&% list to leave next time I call
I just like to see your furry little ass all in a bunch ;)
and then I am going to hold you responsible for everythign I ramble about!
hope I don't get cut off . . .
{evil cackle}