Meritt wrote: I wish there was a little stuffed Meritt to go with you and see all these fabulous sights. Sigh. And then Squirrel wrote: I vote we start traveling with a coffee bean in honor of Meritt. I vote for a Starbucks Christmas Blend bean or a Mexican Double Dark from Trader Joes. Either one will fit the profile perfectly.Or we can try and find a Martha Stewart doll?I'll leave it up to WC. And then I wrote: Or we can try and find a Martha Stewart doll with a coffee bean... I'm in. Everyone start looking for one now and I'm thinking that after a year or so, we can send it to here with with pictures of where she has been. I need help on this one. Everyone start looking today and please help me find what we need to cheer up Meritt.
Imperial Hamster Minister of Automotive Affairs, Vice Arch-Prefect for Brewing Affairs & Deputy Chief Inspector of Ales, Member of the Privy Council